Monday, April 28, 2008





Audio Records of Fraud By Public Officials/
Jul 15, 2005 6:26:56 PM

2ND Notice of Safety Violations.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 6:29:28 PM

2nd Final Notice of Recusancy And Notice of Grievance Amendment-Booth_Whitfield.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 7:19:51 PM

2nd Final Notice of Recusancy And Notice of Intent To File FERPA.pdf
Mar 17, 2005 11:47:09 AM

2nd Patron FOIA Request.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 5:56:58 PM

Mar 13, 2005 6:29:32 PM

Abbott 1.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 6:29:42 PM

Abbott 2.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 6:29:44 PM

Dear Dr_1_12_05.pdf
Mar 17, 2005 9:17:53 PM

Dr Henderson.pdf
Mar 17, 2005 9:17:52 PM

Jun 3, 2005 12:17:48 PM

Mar 13, 2005 7:19:57 PM

Mar 13, 2005 6:29:35 PM

Mar 13, 2005 6:29:18 PM

Modern Human Variation.doc
Mar 1, 2005 7:42:28 AM

Mar 13, 2005 7:19:44 PM

Mar 16, 2005 8:40:22 PM

PCSSD Complainant Grievance Hearing Summary Statement 1 .pdf
Mar 17, 2005 9:13:21 PM

PCSSD Complainant Grievance Hearing Summary Statement 2 of 8.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 6:28:53 PM

PCSSD Complainant Grievance Hearing Summary Statement 3 of 8.pdf
Mar 17, 2005 9:13:26 PM

PCSSD Complainant Grievance Hearing Summary Statement 4 of 8.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 6:28:49 PM

PCSSD Complainant Grievance Hearing Summary Statement 5 of 8.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 6:45:32 PM

PCSSD Complainant Grievance Hearing Summary Statement 6 of 8.pdf
Mar 17, 2005 9:13:38 PM

PCSSD Complainant Grievance Hearing Summary Statement 7 of 8.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 5:56:59 PM

PCSSD Complainant Grievance Hearing Summary Statement 8 of 8.pdf
Mar 17, 2005 9:17:49 PM

Mar 13, 2005 5:56:59 PM

Jun 27, 2005 11:47:35 AM

Jul 24, 2005 2:38:57 PM

Jun 27, 2005 1:12:04 PM

Patron Initial Response to Invalid Hearing Officer Notice-Stacey Goodwin PCSSD.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 5:56:57 PM

Patron Notice of ADE Complaint Filing.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 6:56:22 PM

Patron Statement And Limited Release of Liability.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 6:52:36 PM

Mar 13, 2005 6:28:42 PM

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Mar 17, 2005 9:13:32 PM

Validity Statement 7.pdf
Mar 13, 2005 6:28:39 PM

Mar 13, 2005 7:19:54 PM

Mar 13, 2005 5:56:57 PM

A Little Light Reading :

A Guide to Purity and Physical ManhoodAdvice to Maiden, Wife and MotherLove, Courtship, and Marriage
ByProf. B.G. Jefferis, M.D., PH. D.andJ.L. Nicols, A.M.
With Excerpts from Well-Known Authorities
Published by

Naperville, Illinois, U.S.A.1920AGENTS WANTED

[Transcriber's Note: This Table of Contents does not appear in the original book. It has been added to this document for ease of navigation. To return to it from anywhere in the document, just select ToC from any left margin page demarcation.]
Knowledge is Safety, page 3
The Beginning of Life, page5
Health a Duty, page 7
Value of Reputation, page 9
Influence of Associates, page 11
Self-Control, page 12
Habit, page 17
A Good Name, page 18
The Mother's Influence, page 21
Home Power, page 23
To Young Women, page 26
Influence of Female Character, page 30
Personal Purity, page 31
How To Write All Kinds of Letters, page 34
How To Write a Love Letter, page 37
Forms of Social Letters, page 39
Letter Writing, page 43
Forms of Love Letters, page 44
Hints and Helps on Good Behavior at All Times and at All Places, page 49
A Complete Etiquette in a Few Practical Rules, page 52
Etiquette of Calls, page 56
Etiquette in Your Speech, page 57
Etiquette of Dress and Habits, page 58
Etiquette on the Street, page 59
Etiquette Between Sexes 60
Practical Rules on Table Manners, page 63
Social Duties, page 65
Politeness, page 70
Influence of Good Character, page 73
Family Government 76
Conversation, page 79
The Toilet or The Care of the Person, page 84
A Young Man's Personal Appearance, page 86
Dress, page 88
Beauty, page 91
Sensible Helps to Beauty, page 95
How to Keep the Bloom and Grace of Youth, page 97
Form and Deformity, page 98
How to Determine a Perfect Human Figure, page 99
The History, Mystery, Benefits and Injuries of the Corset, page 101
Tight-Lacing, page 104
The Care of the Hair, page 107
How to Cure Pimples or Other Facial Eruptions, page 111
Black-Heads and Flesh Worms, page 112
Love, page 114
The Power and Peculiarities of Love, page 118
Amativeness or Connubial Love, page 122
Love and Common Sense, page 123
What Women Love in Men, page 126
What Men Love in Women, page 129
History of Marriage, page 132
Marriage, page 134
The Advantages of Wedlock, page 135
The Disadvantages of Celibacy, page 138
Old Maids, page 140
When and Whom to Marry, page 144
Choose Intellectually—Love Afterward, page 148
Love-Spats, page 154
A Broken Heart, page 159
Former Customs and Peculiarities Among Men, page 162
Sensible Hints in Choosing a Partner, page 165
Safe Hints, page 170
Marriage Securities, page 174
Women Who Make the Best Wives, page 178
Adaptation, Conjugal Affection, and Fatal Errors, page 181
First Love, Desertion and Divorce, page 185
Flirting and Its Dangers, page 190
A Word to Maidens, page 192
Popping the Question, page 194
The Wedding, page 200
Advice to Newly Married Couples, page 201
Sexual Proprieties and Improprieties, page 206
How to Perpetuate the Honey-Moon, page 209
How to Be a Good Wife, page 210
How to Be a Good Husband, page 211
Cause of Family Troubles, page 217
Jealousy—Its Cause and Cure, page 219
The Improvement of Offspring, page 222
Too Many Children, page 229
Small Families and the Improvement of the Race, page 232
The Generative Organs, page 234
The Female Sexual Organs, page 235
The Mysteries of the Formation of Life, page 238
Conception—Its Limitations, page 240
Prenatal Influences, page 244
Vaginal Cleanliness, page 246
Impotence and Sterility, page 248
Producing Boys or Girls at Will, page 252
Abortion or Miscarriage, page 253
The Murder of Innocents, page 256
The Unwelcome Child, page 258
Health and Disease, page 263
Preparation for Maternity, page 266
Impregnation, page 269
Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy, page 270
Diseases of Pregnancy, page 274
Morning Sickness, page 282
Relation of Husband and Wife During Pregnancy, page 283
A Private Word to the Expectant Mother, page 284
Shall Pregnant Women Work?, page 285
Words for Young Mothers, page 286
How to Have Beautiful Children, page 288
Education of the Child in the Womb, page 292
How to Calculate the Time of Expected Labor, page 295
The Signs and Symptoms of Labor, page 297
Special Safeguards in Confinement, page 299
Where Did the Baby Come From?, page 303
Child Bearing Without Pain, page 304
Solemn Lessons for Parents, page 312
Ten Health Rules for Babies Cut Death Rate in Two, page 314
The Care of New-Born Infants, page 315
Nursing, page 317
Infantile Convulsions, page 319
Feeding Infants, page 319
Pains and Ills in Nursing, page 321
Home Lessons in Nursing Sick Children, page 325
A Table for Feeding a Baby on Modified Milk, page 329
Nursing [Intervals Table], page 329
Schedule for Feeding Healthy Infants During First Year [Table], page 329
How to Keep a Baby Well, page 330
How to Preserve the Health and Life of Your Infant During Hot Weather, page 332
Infant Teething, page 336
Home Treatments for the Diseases of Infants and Children, page 338
Diseases of Women, page 348
Falling of the Womb, page 350
Menstruation, page 351
Celebrated Prescriptions for All Diseases and How to Use Them, page 354
How to Cure Apoplexy, Bad Breath and Quinsy, page 365
Sensible Rules for the Nurse, page 366
Longevity, page 367
How to Apply and Use Hot Water in All Diseases, page 368
Practical Rules for Bathing, page 371
All the Different Kinds of Baths and How to Prepare Them, page 372
Digestibility of Food, page 374
How to Cook for the Sick, page 375
Save the Girls, page 380
Save the Boys, page 390
The Inhumanities of Parents, page 396
Chastity and Purity of Chracter, page 400
Exciting the Passions in Children, page 404
Puberty, Virility, and Hygenic Laws, page 406
Our Secret Sins, page 409
Physical and Moral Degeneracy, page 414
Immorality, Disease, and Death, page 416
Poisonous Literature and Bad Pictures, page 421
Startling Sins, page 423
The Prostitution of Men, page 427
The Road to Shame, page 430
The Curse of Manhood, page 433
A Private Talk to Young Men, page 437
Remedies for the Social Evil, page 440
The Selfish Slaves of Doses of Disease and Death, page 441
Object Lessons of the Effects of Alcohol and Smoking, page 445
The Destructive Effects of Cigarette Smoking, page 449
The Dangerous Vices, page 451
Nocturnal Emissions, page 457
Lost Manhood Restored, page 459
Manhood Wrecked and Rescued, page 461
The Curse and Consequence of Secret Diseases, page 464
Animal Magnetism, page 470
How to Read Character, page 473
Twilight Sleep, page 479
Painless Childbirth, page 479
The Diseases of Women, page 480
Remedies for Diseases of Women, page 483
Alphabetical Index, page 486
Hyperlinked Index

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Creole Treaty Rights
An article from Gilbert Martin

On November 30, 1803, according to stipulations in the Louisiana Purchase Treaty and by formal action, the French rendered the entire Louisiana Territory an absolutely free country. And it remained that way until circa 1818, when the legislature of the newly formed state of Louisiana ruled otherwise. By those acts, in deliberate violation of the LPT, Louisiana became just another Jim Crow State in the Deep South.

At the time of the American takeover of the vast Louisiana Territory, tens of thousands of people with lineage to Africa were among the inhabitants. Some were free, but most were slaves. Nevertheless, neither free or slave was ever apprised of their treaty rights. Consequently, both the so-called free people of color and the slaves were forced to suffer the realities of degradation, hostility, and other forms of inequities brought about segregation, discrimination, racism and bigotry. Naturally, an undercurrent of resentment against the Americans flowed throughout the Creole community. And that resentment did not began to abate until after World War II. Prior to that war, the older Creoles did not refer to themselves as Americans.

They considered it an offense should anyone else referred to them as Americans. I saw many older Creoles spit on the ground after mentioning the word "Merican."

As a young Creole growing up during the Great Depression and the Jitterbug era, I didn’t know why my elders hated Americans so much. I was having fun. That did not concern me. So, it would be many decades before I would began to question the origin of my culture. I was fifty years old when my quest began. And another decade would past before I would come across a copy of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty. After reading the third article of the treaty, I finally understood why my people were so bitter. So, out of respect for them, I have been trying to bring the United States Government, and the state of California to task for treaty violations. Now, I would like the general public to find out about our plight under American domination.

Enclosed please find a copy of the letter I sent to Kevin Shelly, Secretary of State of California. I would like to have this information published, either in its entirety, in parts, or you may simply write about it. I feel that it’s very important for the Creole community, especially our young, to be apprised of our treaty rights, and to take this information seriously. I feel that it’s time for young Creoles to get involved. My struggle for authoritative recognition for Creole people has passed its third decade. Now, I am tired and should be taking it easy.

However, as a retired master builder, general contractor, and former member of the American Arbitration Association, I see the violation of the Louisiana Purchase Treaty as being the biggest blunder the United States has ever made. The U.S. received 908,380 square miles of territory for $15 million and to provide and guarantee to us, civil and special rights as stipulated in Article III of the treaty. But up until now, the federal government has been acting as if the Louisiana Purchase Treaty is a unilateral instrument. Contrarily, the LPT is a bilateral instrument and must be regarded as such.

Therefore, I have chosen to stand on the opposite, and uncontested, side of the LPT. Therefore, I am calling upon the federal government and all state governments to acknowledge their legal obligations under the LPT, and to repair any and all damage for any and all infractions thereof. Please provide me with whatever help that you can. If there is any question you would like me to answer, or any subject that you would like me to address, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Also, I have enclosed a copy of the certified letter that I sent to Bill Lockyer, Attorney General for the state of California.

Yours truly,

Gilbert E. Martin


This is a true & FULLY documented accounting of a R.I.C.O. coverup of violent crimes against children by Arkansas' Pulaski County Special School District ( PCSSD ) & Pulaski County Sheriff's Office:

Please click here to read what the Department of Education Has to say about these heinous claims.

These heinous acts occurred under the auspices and direction of academic adults charged with the safety and education of our American Creole children.
This public trust was severely violated. Arkansas State Prosecutor Larry Jegley has ignored the blatent criminal evidence against these corrupt officials, even though the Arkansas Department of Education has provided him with ALL of the proof he could ever need.

Instead, he only prosecutes two TOKEN criminal student participants and let's all the others go so they can cover up the REAL crime:


THE TRUTH ON TAPE!!!!!!!!!!! Please Click HERE!!!!! https://www.sharemation.com/xythoswfs/webview/_xy-1489107_files

Brought to you by The American Creole Indian Nation & PCSSD Fraud Watch



Case Number(s): IN-2004-2283

NAMES: Serenity Goodwin Complainant

Turner Goodwin Complainant

Stacey Goodwin Mother of Complainant

Shaneka Cloud Defendant

Venita Williams Aunt of Defendant, Guardian

Wanzer Adams Aunt of Defendant (Fraudulent DHS Employee), Guardian



Note: the following statements are made under appropriate penalties of perjury and defamation and/or slander. My children and I are also ready willing and prepared to submit ourselves to polygraph examination in extended efforts to further corroborate our factual claims and clarify the scope of what we have witnessed this day. Any statement(s) in response to this notice MUST carry the exact same attestation or shall not be acknowledge as a valid and credible response to this valid notice now in force.

In light of the following, please find that it is a:

1. Fact, that in the presence of Mediator Nancy W. Mathews, Defendant Shaneka Cloud did confess and implicate co-gang member Sholanda Gilliam, to being both members of the street and school gang C.A.S.H. (Check All Silly Hoes), of which she gang imported Louisiana interstate to Arkansas and established with “three members”. She also admits fighting for her “sisters” in Louisiana.

2. Fact, Defendant did stipulate to and verbally waived contest of Complainant Serenity Goodwin’s accounting of the events in question.

3. Fact, Defendant did admit to developing the idea to commit her assault against Complainant after she believed Complainant was associated with a “rumor” at Fuller Middle School.

4. Fact, Defendant did confess to initiating by confronting Complainant Alex Goodwin and issued threats of violence to both him as well as his sister, Complainant Serenity Goodwin.

5. Fact, Defendant did confess to then confronting Complainant Serenity Goodwin at the bus stop with additional threats of physical harm.

6. Fact, when confronted with evidence, Defendant did stipulate that she did indeed make additional threats to physically harm Serenity Goodwin in the presence of three employees of Fuller Middle School.

7. Fact, Mother of Complainants did indeed give an accounting of additional threats of physical harm against said Complainants.

8. Fact, Defendant did stipulate that she was indeed present when explicatives and threats of murder, “Bitch, we’re gonna’ slit yo’ throat!”, were being yelled from a moving vehicle being driven by a male. She further verbally implicated her “sister”/co-gang member as uttering the actual death threat to “slit Complainant’s throat”.

9. Fact, Defendant did offer that she did no want to “fight” the Complainant but she was obligated by her “sister”/co-gang member Sholanda Gilliam.

10. Fact, Defendant did implicate Sholanda Gilliam as the initiator of all threats on the bus and Defendant claims that she simply laughed in support of her “sister’s” threats.

11. Fact, Defendant did implicate Sholanda Gilliam as departing from bus, following Complainant Serenity and striking the Complaint from behind, then hitting Complainant from behind a second time as Complainant was attempting to avoid the melee.

12. Fact, Defendant confessed that she then struck the Complainant from behind, but did not know how the Complainant fell.

13. Fact, Defendant admits that in the presence of numerous witnesses they then began to chase the Complainant to her house after the Complainant escaped their melee.

14. Fact, Mother of Complainant then testifies that additional death threats were made in the presence of numerous witnesses outside of her home as the Defendant and her gang confronted the mother and demanded that she allow them to physically harm her child while yelling threats of death.

15. Fact, when confronted by credible witness accounts, the Defendant did indeed further stipulate that she did indeed trespass upon church property with the specific intention of making even more additional threats of physical harm to Complainant Serenity Goodwin specifically.

16. Fact, that in the presence of Mediator, the Aunt of Defendant indicated that even the administration at Fuller Middle School agreed that if a specific “Adult” would have just stayed out of it, the kids could have worked it out “by themselves.”

17. Fact, Aunt then backpedaled and futilely attempted to recant her questionable statements that directly implicated the Fuller Middle School Administration. After Mediator verbally disagreed with Aunt of Defendant’s questionable statements, Mediator ordered the Complainants out of the room. When the Complainants returned, The Aunt of the Defendant then attempted to request that all statements made by her that implicated the Fuller Middle School Administration remain in the room, and struck from record. She expressed a concern that they (Fuller Middle School Administration) might become aware of her “slip of the lip” before being summarily stopped by the Mediator in her effort to prevent the Aunt of Defendant from implicating third parties even further as it pertains to their motives. In summary, advising the Defendant to remain silent about that specific matter of the mediation, outside of Mediator charge. [You know, PRACTICING LAW (in a very anti-Creole sorta' way) in a so-called mediation. Hint- that's illegal both FED & State]

18. Fact, Defendant additionally indicated that her motivation for harming Complainant, Serenity Goodwin was the defensive marks that her “sister” Sholanda received upon her face in their attempt to seriously harm Complainant, Serenity Goodwin.


I, Stacey Goodwin find that in light of the lack of remorse and refusal to cease threats to commit 1st degree murder against my only daughter by repeated threats to “slit” her throat, please find the following:

1. We fully intend to press forward with the State criminal prosecution of Shaneka Cloud & Sholanda Gilliam including but not limited to how it relates to her documented gang activities and her participation in the Fuller Middle School Gang Cover-up and her various felonious activities associated. Ms. Mathews, please refer this case to Terry forthwith as promised.

2. In light of the documented threats to commit murder against Serenity Goodwin, I shall be filing additional State and Federal Complaints against the other identified participants as it pertains to these matters including recommendations for criminal/civil investigations specifically and generally of Fuller Middle School Administration, including but not limited to aiding/abetting delinquency of minors, criminal/civil negligence and criminal/civil RICO.

3. Mediator, I fully expect you to comply with all Federal and State statutes mandating you to immediately report all threats of harm as evidenced this day. I shall be contacting you in one business day to confirm that said actions have been implemented forthwith.

Again, thank you in advance.
Stacey Goodwin, pro per 1-07-05



William H. Bowen School of Law
Clinical Programs

Stacey Goodwin
8A Harris Circle
Little Rock, AR 72206

Dear Ms. Goodwin:

On May 12, it was brought to the attention of the mediation program that your web blog includes references to the details of the mediation that you participated in on January. Mediation in the State of Arkansas is confidential, according to state law.

Additionally, in the Agreement to Mediate that was discussed and that you signed at the start of the mediation, you agreed to keep the mediation discussions confidential. A blank copy of the Agreement to Mediate and a copy of Arkansas’s mediation confidentiality statute are attached.

The confidentiality exception referenced by the Agreement to Mediate refers to the fact that the mediator may but is not required to report on threats of harm made during the mediation. Discussions regarding any previous threats are protected by the confidentiality statute.

Therefore, your internet publication of specifics of the mediation is in conflict with the statute and the Agreement to Mediate. We respectfully ask that you[r] remove any mention of mediation discussions from the blog. We also ask that you refrain from all future publication or discussions from your blog. We also ask that you refrain from all future publication or discussion of the mediation. You may comment on the incidents that happened that led to the mediation, or your reaction to the mediation, but not what occurred during mediation.

If you have any questions regarding the law or the Agreement to Mediate, please contact our office.


Kelly Browe Olson
Director of Clinical Programs

[OK, that was Jim Crow interesting...but, what about your mediator practicing law up-in-there, pretty ONE-SIDED to me, hungh? Ain't that just a TAD bit illegal (State & Fed BTW)?

And WHY was this OBVIOUS gang victim case SENT over to you guys anyway (cover-up?) when it should have been vigorously PROSECUTED FORTHWITH AS REQUIRED BY STATE L-A-W-S?

[AH, The invisible American Creole Indian thang ONCE again, yep, that's what me thinks. We're here!]

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Latest From BadCopNews.com: Arkansas Edition


Published in ARKANSAS

LITTLE ROCK, AR - A police officer does not have the authority to arrest someone for refusing to identify himself when he is not suspected of committing a crime, a federal appeals panel ruled Friday.

The decision by a three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis reversed an Arkansas federal judge’s ruling and ordered a new hearing in a Benton County man’s lawsuit challenging his arrest for refusing to show his identification during a traffic stop.
Read The Full Article


Posted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

CRAWFORD COUNTY, AR - While he will not be charged with a crime, Capt. Terry Rea’s tenure as jail administrator for the Crawford County Detention Center is finished. Quorum court budget committee members unanimously approved a $5,688 lump-sum payout to Rea for accrued holiday and vacation time during Monday night’s meeting.
Later, during a personnel committee meeting, justices of the peace also approved the hiring of four new deputies for the sheriff’s department. The positions must now be approved during the quorum court’s regular meeting later this month.
Read The Full Article

Posted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

VIAN, AR - Vian’s former police chief is accused of embezzling nearly $2,000, as well as stealing a utility vehicle from a downtown Vian business, during his three-month stint as police chief last year.

On Wednesday, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Jeremy Eugene Floyd, 30, of Muldrow on two counts of felony embezzlement and one count of grant larceny, according to court records.
Floyd is currently employed as a patrolman with the Bethel Heights Police Department in Arkansas.

Published in ARKANSAS

LITTLE ROCK, AR - The Arkansas State Police has suspended and reassigned a trooper who arrested a news photographer at a December house fire.
Trooper Tom Weindruch, 33, was suspended for two days without pay and was transferred from the Highway Patrol Division to the Administrative Services Division in Little Rock, state police spokesman Bill Sadler said. Weindruch had been part of the patrol division in Little Rock-based Troop A.



"Out Of Many- ONE"

The Following Entities Have Been Designated As "Qualified" For The Municipal Jim Crow Terrorists Watch List For Undeniably Documented International, Federal, State or Local Criminal Acts Against Poor Creoles Within Their Jurisdiction.

Note: In order to qualify for this list, the criminal act(s) must be:

1. Undeniably documented Municipal, "public servants", committing or aiding and abetting Federal, State, Local criminal acts against Creole Citizens.

2. Documented directly committing the International, Federal, State, Local criminal act(s) against Creole Citizens.

3. Documented in knowingly having an indirect active role in aiding and abetting the International, Federal, State, Local criminal acts upon Creole Citizens.

This list includes names of all "races" and cultures. It acknowledges that racist "racialism" is relegated to irrelevance by evolved Creole Citizens of today, preparing for a "race-less", "Jim Crow-less" society of near-tomorrow.

-Ean Bordeaux, pro per
Creole Interests Reporter
Citizen Complainant
E Pluribus Unum
Municipal Jim Crow Terrorist Watch List


1. Mildred Tatum <- (Documents & Audio Link)Includes but is not limited to- R.I.C.O. [USC Title 18], Anti-Bullying Statutes, Anti-Gang Violence/ Organized Crimes Statutes. Federal Mail Fraud Statutes, Federal Interstate Commerce Statutes, False Report, Malicious Prosecution, Perjury, Nonfeasance, Misfeasance and Malfeasance. School Tax Revenue Fraud.

2. Dr. Donald J. Henderson <- (Documents & Audio Link)
Includes but is not limited to- R.I.C.O. [USC Title 18], Anti-Bullying Statutes, Anti-Gang Violence/ Organized Crimes Statutes. Federal Mail Fraud Statutes, Federal Interstate Commerce Statutes, False Report, Nonfeasance, Misfeasance and Malfeasance. School Tax Revenue Fraud.

3. Karl Brown <- (Documents & Audio Link)
Includes but is not limited to- R.I.C.O. [USC Title 18], Anti-Bullying Statutes, Anti-Gang Violence/ Organized Crimes Statutes. Federal Mail Fraud Statutes, Federal Interstate Commerce Statutes, False Report, Nonfeasance, Misfeasance and Malfeasance. 3rd Degree Assault, Malicious Prosecution, Perjury, Grade/ Statistics Fraud. School Tax Education Revenue Fraud.

4. Dr. Jerry Welch <- (Documents & Audio Link)
Includes but is not limited to- R.I.C.O. [USC Title 18], Anti-Bullying Statutes, Anti-Gang Violence/ Organized Crimes Statutes. Federal Interstate Commerce Statutes, False Report, Nonfeasance, Misfeasance and Malfeasance. Malicious Prosecution, Perjury, Grade/ Statistics Fraud. School Tax Education Revenue Fraud.

5. Amy Jordan <- (Documents & Audio Link)
Includes but is not limited to- R.I.C.O. [USC Title 18], Anti-Bullying Statutes, Anti-Gang Violence/ Organized Crimes Statutes. Federal Interstate Commerce Statutes, False Report, Nonfeasance, Misfeasance and Malfeasance. Malicious Prosecution, Perjury, Grade/ Statistics Fraud. School Tax Education Revenue Fraud. NAEP Testing Fraud. Aiding criminal gang members to terrorize Creole minors during Federal Academic Testing. (She intentionally seated a gang member next to the victim to further threaten victim's life by "slitting" Creole victims throat. Suspect was aware of criminal charges against the criminal gang member at the time of infraction.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


PUBLISHERS NOTE: badcopnews has shut down some years ago. Unfortunately, this blog site is one of the few archives of their work.  If we were aware of their imminent closure, we would have archived more. Sorry for our lack of insight, yet we lack far less space, unfortunately.  At the very least, it will get you going in the right direction and serves as a historical snapshot.  Use the "text find" feature in your browser if there is anything in particular that you are looking for on this page. Thank you for your support regarding the important work that we do here. E Pluribus Unum,  Chief Ean Lee Bordeaux, pro per

To read full articles, please click on links below.


Not The Brightest Bulb Department: Firing Of Arkansas State Police Trooper Roderick L. Trotter Sr. Upheld After He Sought Three-Way Sex With Two Motorists And His WifePosted by June Maxam (Editor/Publisher)

Published in ARKANSAS

Roderick L. Trotter Sr.

LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS - The state police director properly dismissed a state trooper who admitted seeking a three-way sex encounter between his wife and two women in a car he had stopped for driving with expired tags, the Arkansas State Police Commission decided Friday.
Roderick L. Trotter Sr., 46, who served with Troop A based in Little Rock, was fired in December by Col. Winford E. Phillips, state police commander.
Read The Full Article

Dumbass Fayetteville Arkansas Court Baliff Jarrod Hankins Forgets Illegal Immigrant In Isolated Courthouse Holding Cell For 4 Days - No Food, Water, Or ToiletPosted by June Maxam (Editor/Publisher)

Published in ARKANSAS

FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ― A woman being held as an illegal immigrant spent four days forgotten in an isolated holding cell at a courthouse with no food, water, or toilet, authorities and the woman said.

Adriana Torres-Flores, 38, appeared in court Thursday and pleaded not guilty to a charge of selling pirated CDs, but a judge ordered her held because she is in the country illegally, Sheriff Tim Helder said.
Read The Full Article

Nutcase Rogers Arkansas Police Officer Lt. David Mitchell Suspended For Just 10 Days After Taser Weapon Attack On 2 Cows, Shocking Himself And Another Man - Fellow Dumbass, Police Chief Steve Helms, Ignored Incident Until PETA Got InvolvedPosted by June Maxam (Editor/Publisher)

Published in ARKANSAS

ROGERS, ARKANSAS — A Rogers police lieutenant will be suspended 10 days without pay for firing a department-issued electric stun device at two cows in June 2006.

Lt. David Mitchell’s suspension will begin March 17, said Rogers Police Chief Steve Helms.
The department began an internal investigation into the matter last month after an animal-rights organization complained to the Police Department and city administration that Mitchell showed several colleagues a video of himself and another man firing the stun gun at a cow.
Read The Full Article

Lawsuit Charges Crazed Forrest City Arkansas Police Officer Sherie Hernandez With Brutally Attacking A Child, Wrongful Death Of FetusPosted by June Maxam (Editor/Publisher)

Published in ARKANSAS

FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS - A lawsuit has been filed against the city on behalf of a minor who claims she suffered a miscarriage as a direct result of rough treatment by a Forrest City police officer.

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Swvilla Lowe (no age given; listed only as a minor), names Mayor Gordon McCoy and all the members of the city council, as well as Officer Sherie Hernandez, as defendants.

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Rogers Arkansas Police Officer Lt. David Mitchell Fired After Laundry List Of Complaints - Currently Under Investigation After Videotaped Taser Weapon Attack On A CowPosted by June Maxam (Editor/Publisher)

Published in ARKANSAS

ROGERS, ARKANSAS - On the day Rogers police Chief Steve Helms confirmed the department was investigating one of its own officers, it completed a previous investigation into that same officer.

Lt. David Mitchell is now under investigation for his use of a Taser on a cow. On Tuesday, the department concluded an investigation into Mitchell that began on Aug. 9, the same day former Officer Anthony Martinez was terminated.
After being told he was fired, Martinez gave Helms a “laundry list”of complaints against Mitchell, Helms said.
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Crawford County Arkansas Jail Administrator Terry Rea Suspended Amid Sexual Misconduct InvestigationPosted by June Maxam (Editor/Publisher)

Published in ARKANSAS

CRAWFORD COUNTY, ARKANSAS - The Crawford County sheriff says the county jail administrator has been suspended after he was accused of sexual misconduct.
Sheriff Mike Allen announced Thursday that jail administrator Terry Rea had been placed on paid administrative leave. The sheriff wouldn’t elaborate on the sexual misconduct allegation, but an Arkansas State Police lieutenant says the alleged incident happened at the jail when Rea was on duty.

State police are handling the investigation.
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Arkansas State Police Trooper Brian Garrett Charged With Assault And Battery After Attack On His Wife. Former Rogers Police Officer Shane Knaust Charged With Child MolestationPosted by June Maxam (Editor/Publisher)

Published in ARKANSAS

BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS - Prosecutors filed formal charges Friday against an Arkansas State Police trooper and a former Rogers police officer in unrelated criminal cases.
Trooper Brian Garrett, 38, is charged with aggravated assault and battery in the second degree, both class D felonies. If convicted, he could receive a sentence of up to six years on each count.
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Rogers Arkansas Police Officer Lt. David Mitchell Under Investigation After Videotaped Taser Weapon Attack On A CowPosted by June Maxam (Editor/Publisher)

Published in ARKANSAS

ROGERS, ARKANSAS - Police are conducting an internal investigation into an allegation that a lieutenant used his stun gun to shock a cow and shared a videotape of the incident with other department employees.

Police Chief Steve Helms said Tuesday the inquiry began after he received a complaint from the group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. A letter dated Feb. 11 from PETA representative Stephanie Bell complained that Lt. David Mitchell filmed himself using the electronic stun device on the cow.
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Fort Smith Arkansas Police Chief Kevin Lindsey Suspended Due To “Lack Of Trust And Confidence”Posted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS — City Administrator Randy Reed placed Police Chief Kevin Lindsey on paid administrative leave Friday, saying there is a lack of trust and confidence between them.
Reed placed Lindsey on leave Friday afternoon following a meeting they had earlier in the day. The outcomes of other meetings with Lindsey since the firing of three police officials were upheld by the Fort Smith Civil Service Commission in December were factors in Friday’s decision, Reed said.
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Former Fayetteville Arkansas Police Officer Jeremy Boyd Grammer Jailed Pending Sentencing For Distribution Of Child Pornography, Despite His Fear Of Being Behind Bars With Criminals Like HimselfPosted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS - A former Fayetteville police officer was ordered to jail Thursday despite his concern for his safety behind bars. Jeremy Boyd Grammer, 31, pleaded guilty to distributing child pornography over the Internet. The federal crime carries a prison term of five to 20 years. Grammer, a 10-year police veteran, had been free on $ 5, 000 bond. He requested home detention with an electronic monitoring device until his sentencing in 30-45 days.
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Former Fayetteville Arkansas Police Officer Jeremy Boyd Grammer’s Guilty Plea To Child Pornography DelayedPosted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS — A judge Monday postponed a hearing for a former Fayetteville police officer who was scheduled to plead guilty to a federal child pornography charge. U. S. District Judge Jimm L. Hendren reset the plea hearing for Jeremy Boyd Grammer to 4: 30 p.m. Thursday. Grammer’s attorneys asked for the continuance in Hendren’s chambers Monday afternoon. Neither they nor a prosecutor would disclose the reason for the delay. Grammer, 31, of Fayetteville, was set to plead guilty to one count of distributing child pornography on the Internet. He was in court Monday, along with his wife and parents, for the scheduled plea, then left after the continuance was granted.
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Former Fort Smith Arkansas Police Chief Randy Reed And Police Officer Sued Brad Lokey For Negligence After Woman Ends Up DeadPosted by Admin

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FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS - Relatives of a Fort Smith woman stabbed to death at a busy intersection have sued a police officer and former police chief, saying law enforcement didn’t do enough to protect the woman from her estranged husband.
Thomas Springs was sentenced to death for the Jan. 21, 2005, stabbing death of his estranged wife, Christina Springs. Last month, her father, George E. Repking, and sister, Kelly Repking, filed the lawsuit in Sebastian Circuit Court.
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State Investigating Misuse Of Law Enforcement Database By Benton County Arkansas Sheriff Keith FergusonPosted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

BENTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS - Benton County Prosecutor Van Stone said Tuesday he has forwarded to officials at the Arkansas Crime Information Center a letter and documentation accusing Benton County Sheriff Keith Ferguson of misusing the center’s database.
Stone would not say what the specific allegations are, citing a provision in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act exempting undisclosed investigations by law enforcement agencies.
Stone also would not say who wrote the letter.
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Rogers Arkansas Police Officer Shane Aaron Knaust Quits After Arrest For Child MolestationPosted by Admin

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ROGERS, ARKANSAS - A Rogers police officer has resigned after he was arrested on suspicion of sexual indecency with a child, authorities said.
Shane Aaron Knaust, 26, was arrested Friday on the felony charge, which is punishable by up to six years in prison. Rogers Police Chief Steve Helms said Knaust resigned Saturday.
“We are still in a state of shock,” Helms said. “We are just maintaining and moving forward with our jobs.”
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Rogers Arkansas Police Officer Shane Aaron Knaust Arrested, Charged With Child MolestationPosted by Admin

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ROGERS, ARKANSAS - A Rogers police officer was arrested Friday night in connection with felony sexual indecency with a child.

Shane Aaron Knaust, 26, of 1907 S. Ninth St. Apt. 213 in Rogers was arrested after a 15-year-old girl identified Knaust as having sexually abused her two to three years ago, according to the probable cause affidavit for bond.

The exact time frame of the incident is still being determined based on further interviews with the girl, said Van Stone, Benton County prosecuting attorney.
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Searcy Arkansas Police Officer Kara Osborne, Niece Of Police Chief Kyle Osborne, Suspended For One Whole Day After Hitting Teen On Motorcylce With Patrol CarPosted by Admin Published in ARKANSAS

SEARCY, ARKANSAS - A Searcy police officer whose patrol vehicle hit a man on a motorcycle has been disciplined.

Patrolman Kara Osborne, 25, has been suspended one day without pay, ordered to attend a defensive driving class and has been removed from the take home unit program for a period of six months, according to Major Tim Webb, Searcy Police Department spokesman.
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Faulkner County Arkansas Deputy Sheriff Rick Beavers Appeals Firing After Attacking PrisonerPosted by Admin

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FAULKNER COUNTY, ARKANSAS - Faulkner County Administrator Jeff Johnston said Monday that an appeal hearing before a county grievance board concerning the recent firing of sheriff’s lieutenant Rick Beavers is in its informal stages, but would happen in the coming weeks once paperwork is completed.

Sheriff Karl Byrd confirmed last week that he fired Beavers on Dec. 28 for allegedly using excessive force against a prisoner at the new jail sometime around Nov. 10.
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Texarkana Arkansas Police Officer Det. Les Munn Suspended For Improper Use Of Cellphone And InternetPosted by Admin

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TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS - A Texarkana, Ark., Police Department detective has been suspended for using a city cell phone and Internet access for purposes unrelated to police work.
“We expect our officers to come to work,” said Administrative Capt. Glenn M. Greenwell. “We took what we felt was appropriate action.”

Det. Les Munn, who was assigned to the criminal investigation division in June 2006 from the patrol division, received a three-day suspension for “improper use of city equipment,” Greenwell said.
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Sharp County On The Hook For $20,000 In Medical And Ambulance Bills After Man Was “Accidentially” Shot By Arkansas State Police Trooper Wendall JinesPosted by Admin Published in ARKANSAS, ILLINOIS

ASH FLAT, ARKANSAS — Sharp County officials feel the county is being unfairly charged with medical and ambulance bills stemming from the accidental shooting of a man by a state trooper almost a year ago, County Judge Larry Brown said.
James Naldo Arnold, a former Sharp County resident who was a fugitive from Illinois at the time of the incident, was shot by Arkansas State Police Special Agent Wendall Jines as the two struggled while Jines was attempting to serve the Illinois warrant.
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Former Pine Bluff Arkansas Police Officer Marx Mitchell Charged With Terroristic Threats After Domestic Incident With Girlfriend And Her FamilyPosted by Admin

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PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS - A $250,000 bond was set Friday for a former Pine Bluff police officer charged with three counts of terroristic threatening following an incident involving his girlfriend and members of her family earlier this week.
Circuit Judge Rob Wyatt Jr. set the bond for Marx Mitchell, 38, who now lives in Kingsland, and ordered him to have no contact with the girlfriend or members of her family until the case is settled.
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Douchebag Arkansas State Police Trooper Roughs Up Reporter In Maumelle, Arrests Him For Absolutely NothingPosted by Admin

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MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS — Having lived 59 years, battled cancer, worn the country’s uniform for 26 years and proudly worked as a journalist — a profession I always admired — I thought I’d seen it all. That is until Monday night, when I was arrested and charged with a criminal offense just for trying to do my job and take photos of a residential fire in Maumelle.
[BCN: Hopefully some crackhead takes out this cop with a bullet or knife. R.A.]
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Suspended Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer Steve Howard Drops Appeal After Special Deal And Slap On The WristPosted by Admin

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FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS - A Fort Smith police officer who was suspended for 30 days without pay has canceled his appeal in light of an agreement he made with the city last week, his attorney said Monday.
See also: Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer Sgt. Jeff Morgan Suspended Amid Investigation Including Major Jeff Barrows And Capt. Steve Howard

Steve Howard, who was suspended Oct. 17 after an internal investigation that led to two other officers’ firings, served his unpaid suspension and returned to work Nov. 16. He was scheduled for an appeal hearing Thursday before the Civil Service Commission.
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West Memphis Arkansas Police Chief Robert Paudert Ignores Calls To Resign After Police Officer Sgt. Erik Sammis Shoots And Kills 12 Year Old Boy Armed With A Bag Of Chips And A SodaPosted by Admin

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WEST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS - West Memphis Police Chief Robert Paudert rejected Friday a request by the City Council that he resign in the wake of the June 22 fatal police shooting of a 12-year-old boy.

See also: Grand Jury To Investigate After West Memphis Arkansas Police Officer Sgt. Erik Sammis Shoots And Kills 12 Year Old Boy Armed With A Bag Of Chips And A Soda

Aldermen voted 6-4 in favor of a resolution Wednesday seeking Paudert’s resignation, citing the shooting of DeAuntae Farrow by a West Memphis police officer.
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Rape Conviction Reversed After Sherwood Arkansas Police Conduct Unwarranted SearchPosted by Admin

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LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS — Arkansas’ highest court reversed the rape conviction Thursday of a man accusing of molesting a boy after justices said a nighttime search of his home wasn’t justified.

In a 5-2 ruling, the Arkansas Supreme Court ordered a new trial for Eric Wayne Kelley, who was convicted of rape and sentenced to life in prison.

In 2005, Sherwood police were told by Texas authorities Kelley had arrest warrants from Dallas County, Texas, for sexual offenses against children. Police were also told Kelley had been having sexual relations with and 11-year-old or 12-year-old boy, the ruling said.
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Trial Date Set For Lawsuit Charging Fayetteville Arkansas Police Officer Travis Faught With 30 Minute Taser Weapon Torture AttackPosted by Admin

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FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS — A March trial date has been set in U. S. District Court for two Fayetteville police officers accused of using excessive force during a November 2005 arrest.
Steven E. Wanbaugh, 46, filed a lawsuit claiming Cpl. Robin Fields held him down while officer Travis Faught used a Taser on him for about 30 minutes. Wanbaugh claims in his handwritten complaint that Faught used the electrical shock device on him 10 to 30 times, making it hard for him to walk for days.
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Greene County Arkansas Jail Supervisor William Shaw Charged After Sex With InmatePosted by Admin Published in ARKANSAS

GREENE COUNTY, ARKANSAS - Authorities say a former Greene County jail supervisor has been arrested after acknowledging he had sex with a state prison inmate serving as a trustee there.

William Shaw faces a felony sexual assault charge stemming from the incident. Meanwhile, Sheriff Dan Langston says the county likely will lose state trustee labor until at least February as officials investigate the second such incident in a year.
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Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer Sgt. Jeff Morgan Wants Job Back After being Fired For LyingPosted by Admin

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FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS - A former Fort Smith police sergeant tried to salvage his 20-year career on Wednesday by denying allegations he lied about proofreading his supervisor’s college course work while on duty.

Sgt. Jeff Morgan, who was fired in October, pleaded his case to the city’s five-member Civil Service Commission.

An internal inquiry found Morgan lied about conducting personal business for his supervisor, Maj. Jeff Barrows, who was also fired after an internal investigation.
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Grand Jury To Investigate After West Memphis Arkansas Police Officer Sgt. Erik Sammis Shoots And Kills 12 Year Old Boy Armed With A Bag Of Chips And A Soda

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LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS - Simmering racial divisions and fears in West Memphis came to a boil with the police shooting of a 12-year-old black child this summer, a local judge says, forcing him to impanel a civil grand jury to investigate the death.

Crittenden County Circuit Court Judge Victor L. Hill’s order for a grand jury investigation into DeAuntae Farrow’s death comes after a special prosecutor declined to file criminal charges in the shooting. Hill stressed not only the need for “maintaining the appearance of fairness,” but also his own racial experiences as the area’s sole black judge in calling for a formal investigation in the town across the Mississippi River from Memphis, Tenn.
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Former Hawaii Police Officer Jason Jesclard, About To Be Hired By Arkansas State Police, Arrested And Charged With Seeking Sex From A 14 Year Old Girl Online - That Job? Not So Much Now…Posted by Admin


WHITE COUNTY, ARKANSAS - It all starts at the White County Sheriff’s Department when two deputies enter an on-line chat room.
The decoy profile is an eighth grader from Searcy, a regular teen who could be anybody’s child.
One after another, men begin chatting with the officers posing as the young girl. Repeatedly detective Brandon Grimes tells the men the “girl” is only 14.
“We’ve had several that have offered to even drive from halfway across the state, so that really surprises me,” says Grimes.
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No Federal Charges Against Douchebag West Memphis Arkansas Police Officer Sgt. Erik Sammis For Shooting And Killing Unarmed 12 Year Old ChildPosted by Admin

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WEST MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS - The Justice Department’s investigation into the shooting is closed. The 12-year old was shot June 22nd. The Sergeant who shot him told investigators he thought Deaunta was holding a gun. Police say the gun turned out to be a toy.
The West Memphis Police Department feels this is a step in the right direction, but several people including two West Memphis Council Members say this will hurt the community more than it will heal.
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Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer Harold Dean Arter, Who Threw Cellphone In River, Found Not Guilty Of Harassment For Up-Skirt Photos Of Co-WorkerPosted by Admin

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FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS — A former police officer was found not guilty Wednesday of misdemeanor harassment in connection with accusations he tried to take unwanted pictures of a female co-worker.

Acting Judge Glenn A. Neel stated “based on the testimony and credibility of witnesses, statements of counsel, and the post-trial briefs submitted by both parties,” he had a reasonable doubt as to Harold Dean Arter’s guilt and found him not guilty.
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Former Crittenden County Arkansas Deputy Sheriff Shannon Houchin Sentenced To 1 Year In Federal Prison For Beating InmatePosted by Admin

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CRITTENDEN COUNTY, ARKANSAS - Shannon Houchin, a former officer with the Crittenden County Sheriff’s Office in West Memphis, Ark., was sentenced today in federal court in Little Rock to one year and one day imprisonment following his conviction on a civil rights violation.
At his guilty plea on July 23, 2007, Houchin admitted that he abused his authority as a police officer when, in May 2006, he unnecessarily assaulted an arrestee as the man was being taken into the booking area of the Crittenden County Detention Facility.
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Arkansas Court Of Appeals Upholds Former Pine Bluff Police Officer Robert Bergstrom’s Child Molestation Conviction And Prison SentencesPosted by Admin

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LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS - The state Court of Appeals on Wednesday upheld the conviction of a former Pine Bluff police officer who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for sexual assault involving a teenage girl.

Robert Bergstrom received concurrent 10-year and 5-year sentences for first-degree sexual assault and second-degree sexual assault in June 2006. Prosecutors said Bergstrom has sex with and touched inappropriately a girl who was under 18.
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Arrest Warrants Issued For Albuquerque New Mexico Police Officers Russell Carter And Kenneth Ronzone After Brutal Beating Of Bouncer In Arkansas Bar BrawlPosted by Admin Published in ARKANSAS

FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS - Warrants have been issued for two Albuquerque police officers accused of being involved in a bar fight in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
The warrants alleging second-degree battery were issued Wednesday for 24-year-old Russell Carter and 27-year-old Kenneth Ronzone.

Fort Smith police Corporal Mikeal Bates says the two officers are accused of fighting with two bouncers.

Police say the fracas erupted early last Friday when Carter tried to start a fight with one of the bouncers.
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Australian Cops Asinine ‘Little Weener’ Campaign Backfires As Offended Motorist Lobs Bottle At WomanPosted by Admin

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SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - An unorthodox road safety campaign in Australia has backfired after a motorist who was mocked for the size of his manhood was driven to road rage.
The “little pinkie” campaign features women crooking their little fingers at young men in fast cars, in a gesture which infers the men have small penises.

RTA New South Wales advert to help cut speeding
Launched in June by the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) of New South Wales, it bears the slogan “speeding: no-one thinks big of you”.
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Fired Fayetteville Arkansas Police Officer Jeremy B Grammer Sued For Making Police Dog Falsely Indicate Drugs Were In Car. Officer Faces Federal Child Pornography ChargesPosted by Admin

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FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS — A jury will consider today whether a fired Fayetteville Police officer’s use of his police dog during a 2003 traffic stop was proper.
Former officer Jeremy B. Grammer is being sued in U. S. District Court in Fayetteville by Justin Slaughter, a former University of Arkansas Razorbacks football player, who claims Grammer violated his civil rights on Nov. 26, 2003.
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Lawsuit Charges Miller County Arkansas Jailers With Savage Beating Of Inmate - No Investigation Was Done After BeatingPosted by Admin

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MILLER COUNTY, ARKANSAS - A lawyer representing Miller County said Monday that officials never investigated allegations that two jailers beat an inmate so badly last year that he had to be hospitalized at least five times before he eventually died two weeks ago.

Derrick Henry, 28, of Texarkana filed a federal lawsuit against the county on Oct. 12, five days before he died, alleging two unnamed jailers “savagely” beat him on or before Nov. 15, 2006, and then failed to get him medical treatment in a timely manner.
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“He’s Being Deported” - Fort Smith Arkansas Prosecuting Attorney Aaron Jennen Stands By As Child Molester Receives Suspended Sentence And Deportation. Predator Will Probably Be Back On U.S. Soil In Less Than A Month, Free To Attack His Victim Again, Or Another Child.Posted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS - A 24-year-old man is on his way out of the country after pleading guilty to sexual assault, a prosecutor said Thursday.
[Same prosecutor: Teacher receives a slap on the wrist for child molestation.]
Hugo Rivas-Ortiz pleaded guilty Oct. 17 to fourth-degree sexual assault in connection with an incident discovered June 23. The offense is a Class D felony punishable by up to six years in prison. It alleges that a defendant over 20 engages in sexual intercourse with someone not his spouse who is under 16.
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Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer David Andrew Howard Fired After Consuming Alcohol And Reckless Driving StopPosted by Admin

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FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS - A rookie patrolman suspected of recklessly driving through Barling after consuming alcohol was fired from the Fort Smith Police Department on Friday.
Officer David Andrew Howard, 22, was terminated for violating Rule 303 of the department’s rules and regulations, which states that an officer cannot be involved in any action that draws criticism to the department, or any incident that would discredit him as an officer, according to a news release issued by Sgt. Jarrard Copeland.
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Dumas Arkansas Police And State Police Chase 10 Year Old In School Bus Across 3 CountiesPosted by Admin

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DUMAS, ARKANSAS - A 10-year-old boy took a school bus and led police on a chase along a rural highway, according to police.

School officials had spotted lights coming from the bus yard around 11 p.m. Friday night, and reported the bus stolen. Officers from three counties, four towns and Arkansas State Police began chasing the bus and its driver.

Despite road spikes set up to slow the bus, the bus kept traveling north toward Little Rock along U.S. 65 through Desha and Lincoln counties, then into the next county of Jefferson.
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Suspended Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer Sgt. Jeff Morgan FiredPosted by Admin Published in ARKANSAS

FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS - Sgt. Jeff Morgan, one of three ranking Fort Smith police officers suspended as part of an internal investigation, was fired from the Police Department Tuesday.
Morgan, a 20-year veteran of the department, was notified Tuesday that his position was terminated, according to Sgt. Jarrard Copeland.

Morgan, along with Maj. Jeff Barrows and Capt. Steve Howard, was the subject of an internal investigation conducted by the department’s Office of Professional Standards. Chief of Police Kevin Lindsey placed both Barrows and Howard on administrative leave with pay on Aug. 23; Morgan was suspended with pay one week later.
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Court Tosses Fired Huntington Arkansas Police Officer Ryan Stephens Wrongful-Termination LawsuitPosted by Admin

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HUNTINGTON, ARKANSAS - A wrongful-termination lawsuit filed in July by former Huntington police officer Ryan Stephens was dismissed without prejudice in September by Sebastian County Circuit Judge J. Michael Fitzhugh.
In an order filed in the Circuit Court’s Greenwood District, Fitzhugh wrote that Arkansas is an at-will employment state.
Under that doctrine, an at-will employee can be terminated for good cause, no cause or even a morally wrong cause, he wrote.
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Waldron Arkansas Police Officer Gerald Heifner Quits After Rape AccusationPosted by Admin Published in ARKANSAS

WALDRON, ARKANSAS - A Waldron police officer whose conduct was deemed unbecoming an officer resigned from the department.

Gerald Heifner resigned a few days after an accusation of rape was levied against him Aug. 26.
Waldron Police Chief David Miller said Thursday an Arkansas State Police investigation found that the sexual relations Heifner had with a 21-year-old woman were consensual and not rape, as originally alleged. However, Heifner’s conduct was considered unbecoming an officer because he’d place himself in a position in which the allegations could be made, Miller said.
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Another Bono Arkansas Police Officer Jim Matha Target Of Investigation Into Sexual Misconduct With A ChildPosted by Admin

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BONO, ARKANSAS - Another Bono police officer is now the target of an investigation involving allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor.

Bono Mayor L.M. Duncan confirmed the information for K8 News, saying that officer Jim Matha, no longer is employed by the city. Previously, Matha served as Bono’s interim police chief after the former chief, Rick Duhon, was fired for similar actions. Duhon is now serving prison time in the Arkansas Dept. of Correction.
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Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer Sgt. Thomas Robinson Arrested, Suspended, Charged With Suspicion Of Driving While Intoxicated By Prescription Drugs After Crashing Into DumpsterPosted by Admin

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ALMA, ARKANSAS — A Fort Smith police officer was arrested Thursday night on suspicion of driving while intoxicated by prescription drugs.
Alma police arrested Sgt. Thomas Robinson after they said he drove his car into a Dumpster, 40/29 reported.

Robinson is assigned to the patrol division of the Fort Smith Police Department.
He has been placed on paid leave while the case is investigated.
Appeared Here
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Third Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer, Sgt. Jeff Morgan, Suspended Amid InvestigationPosted by Admin

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FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS — An internal investigation at the Fort Smith Police Department has led to another officer being placed on leave.
Sgt. Jeff Morgan was placed on paid leave Thursday night, authorities said.
Morgan joined Maj. Jeff Barrow and Capt. Steve Howard, who were both placed on paid leave Aug. 23.

Police Chief Kevin Lindsey has not commented on the case but said there is a connection among all three men and the reasons they were placed on leave.
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Suspended Tuckerman Arkansas Police Officer Layne Mathis Gets To Choose Between Quitting And Being FiredPosted by Admin

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TUCKERMAN, ARKANSAS - Tuckerman K-9 Officer Layne Mathis was called before the city council Monday evening to choose between opting to resign or being terminated from his position on the police force. Termination was effective immediately.

A special city council meeting was called Monday evening to decide the fate of the officer’s career following an extended administrative leave with pay.
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Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer Sgt. Jeff Morgan Suspended Amid Investigation Including Major Jeff Barrows And Capt. Steve HowardPosted by Admin

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FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS — A third city police officer is being investigated by the department’s Office of Professional Standards, Chief Kevin Lindsey said Friday.
Sgt. Jeff Morgan was placed on paid leave Wednesday night, Lindsey said, in connection with the investigation of two high-ranking Fort Smith officers, Major Jeff Barrows and Capt. Steve Howard, who are being investigated for what Lindsey called major violations.
Lindsey would not disclose the nature of the ongoing investigation.
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Complaint Filed After Crazed Rogers Arkansas Police Officer Hassles Kid At Football Game Over SunglassesPosted by Admin

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ROGERS, ARKANSAS — A father filed a complaint with the Rogers Police Department on Friday after an incident at a Rogers High School football game Thursday night, police officials confirmed.
The father, Roberto Castillo, of Lowell, spoke with Daily Record’s sister paper Noticias Libres about the incident. Castillo said his son, Luis Enrique Castillo, 17, was invited to a football game Thursday.
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Arkansas State Department Of Corrections Therapist Anna Clark Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison For Sex With InmatePosted by Admin

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JEFFERSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS - Jefferson County Circuit Judge Rob Wyatt Jr. disregarded the recommendation of a Lincoln County jury Friday when he sentenced a former therapist at the Cummins Unit of the Arkansas Department of Correction to a term of three years in prison.

Anna Clark, 55, the former therapist, had been convicted of two counts of third-degree sexual assault for having sex with a prison inmate following a trial in Star City on Aug. 14 and 15.
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Beebe Arkansas Police Department Under Investigation For Discrepancies In Drug Puchase Money And EvidencePosted by Admin

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BEEBE, ARKANSAS — An investigation by the Arkansas State Police has begun into discrepancies in the drug purchase fund and the evidence room at the Beebe Police Department.
Beebe Mayor Mike Robertson announced the investigation at Monday night’s regular meeting of the Beebe City Council.

“Since our last meeting there has been a state police investigation requested by the White County Prosecutor’s office,” Robertson said in a prepared statement. “The state legislative auditor spoke with the prosecutor’s office, thus resulting in a state police investigation being requested.”*
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Izard County Arkansas Deputy Sheriff Aaron W. Johnson Quits After Taser Attack, Harassment, And Bullshit ArrestsPosted by Admin

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IZARD COUNTY, ARKANSAS – After months of seeking justice for what they feel was police harassment, the Walter Hagan family is at ease.

An investigation spurred by the Hagan family ended when former Izard County Deputy Aaron W. Johnson, 31, resigned from his duties July 30.

The trouble started May 4 when Johnson was patrolling and arrested Walter Hagan and his son Larry Hagan and used a stun gun on the elder Hagan.
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Mulberry Arkansas Police Officer William Taylor Arrested, Charged With Drunk DrivingPosted by Admin

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MULBERRY, ARKANSAS – An off-duty reserve officer with the Mulberry Police Department has been suspended following his arrest on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, Mulberry Police Chief Tim Porter confirmed Thursday.

Arkansas State Police Trooper Gus Moore stopped the officer, William Taylor, 36, on Interstate 540 near Park Avenue about 4 a.m. Saturday, according to ASP Lt. Mike Foster.
Taylor’s blood alcohol level was recorded at 0.15 percent at the time of his arrest, according to Foster.
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Mistaken Arkansas Law Allows Toddlers To WedPosted by Admin

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LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS — A law passed this year allows Arkansans of any age - even infants - to marry if their parents agree, and the governor may have to call a special session to fix the mistake, lawmakers said Friday.

The legislation was intended to establish 18 as the minimum age to marry but also allow pregnant teenagers to marry with parental consent, bill sponsor Rep. Will Bond said. An extraneous “not” in the bill, however, allows anyone who is not pregnant to marry at any age if the parents allow it.
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Wetback Held on $1 Million Bond In Benton County Arkansas Child Molestation CasePosted by Admin

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BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS – A Mexican national who fought extradition to Arkansas for more than a year pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges accusing him of raping children.

A judge ordered that Daniel Lopez Bibiano, 34, be held in lieu of a $1 million bond on two charges of rape, one charge of attempted rape and two charges of sexual assault against five girls ages 5 to 15.
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Settlement Reached In Lawsuit After Illegal Search By Rogers Arkansas Police OfficersPosted by Admin

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FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS – The Arkansas Municipal League has agreed to pay $25,000 to settle a federal civil rights lawsuit over an illegal search by Rogers police.
David Robbins and Debra Steenblock sued several Rogers police officers in October in U.S. District Court after the Arkansas Court of Appeals ruled a late-night, warrantless search of their home was illegal.

Police said they entered the house Oct. 11, 2003, without a warrant because they were concerned about the welfare of a child in the home, according to court records. A confidential informant told police there was a methamphetamine lab in the house.
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Roland Arkansas Police Officers And City Employees Under Investigation For Sex With PrisonerPosted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

ROLAND, ARKANSAS – Investigators with the Sequoyah County Sheriff’s Office will investigate accusations that Roland police officers and city employees engaged in sexual impropriety with a prisoner.

The Roland Police Department made a request to the Sheriff’s Office, asking that county investigators look into accusations that members of their ranks and city employees engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with a former inmate of Roland’s city jail, according to Sheriff Johnny Philpot.
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Flippin Arkansas Police Officer Jeff Condrey Quits After Drunk Driving ArrestPosted by Admin Published in ARKANSAS

FLIPPIN, ARKANSAS – A Flippin patrolman was arrested Friday and gave his resignation the same night, said Flippin Police Chief Robert Alman.

Jeff Condrey was off duty Friday night when he was stopped by Arkansas State Police for speeding, Alman said. Condrey was charged with driving a vehicle while intoxicated and was cited for speeding, Alman said.

Condrey had worked at the department more than two years, Alman said.Arkansas State Police and the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office did not have information Monday about the arrest.
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Former Fort Smith Arkansas Police Officer Harold Dean Arter’s Trial Verdict Posponed For Up-Skirt Photographs Of Co-Worker - Stay Tuned For Slap On The Wrist And/Or Deferred SentencePosted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS – A former Fort Smith police officer will not learn the verdict in his trial held Thursday on a misdemeanor harassment charge until October.

Harold Dean Arter, 48, is charged with misdemeanor harassment in Fort Smith District Court for attempting to take what a prosecutor described as “up-skirt” photographs of a female employee of the Fort Smith Police Department.

The employee testified Thursday that she believed Arter attempted to take the photographs on April 18 and April 30.
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Washington County Arkansas Deputy Sheriff Harley Oscar Weatherly III Arrested At BarkPosted by Admin

Published in ARKANSAS

WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS – A part-time deputy with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office was arrested early Saturday morning by Fayetteville police after a disturbance on Dickson Street.

Harley Oscar Weatherly III, 42, faces charges of disorderly conduct, public intoxication and carrying a weapon after he was arrested at George’s Majestic Lounge, 519 W. Dickson St., said Fayetteville Police Chief Greg Tabor.

Details of the arrest were unclear. A report hadn’t been released by Monday evening.
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